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Admission Information

Scheduled Test — Please enter through the Emergency Department Entrance and proceed to the screening area, then to Registration.

Same-Day Surgery Procedures — Please enter through the Emergency Department Entrance and proceed to the screening area. Then proceed directly to the Ambulatory Services registration area, located near the Surgery Waiting Room.  

Unscheduled Test or Admission — If you are coming in after 5:00 p.m., on the weekend, or on a holiday, please enter through the Emergency Entrance located at the front of the hospital off of Central Ave.

Emergency Visit — If you're coming into the Emergency Room for an unscheduled visit, please enter through the Emergency Entrance. Upon entering the building, please sign in on the registration form, or inform an employee of your presence. 

Dismissal Information 

The day of your dismissal will be determined by your doctor. At the time of your dismissal, your nurse will give you care instructions and a release slip. You will be escorted to the registration area. You are then ready to leave the hospital. 

Financial Assistance

As a patient at Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital, you have the right to appropriate and respectful care, regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, handicap, age, veteran status, or ability to pay.

This facility provides a reasonable amount of its services without charge to people whose income falls within certain limits and who reside in the service area at the time of service.

Patient and their families are encouraged to apply for financial assistance. If you think you may be eligible for services without charge, you may obtain an Application Packet from our hospital website, www.sbamh.com/patients_info/financial_assistance, registration points in the Hospital,  or to receive an application by mail, contact your Patient Account Representative at 316-321-8744 for patients with the last name A-K or 316-321-8765 for patents with the last name L-Z.

The financial assistance policy is available in Spanish.

What You Should and Should Not Bring from Home

If you are planning on coming to the hospital for an inpatient stay, we would like you to bring a list of current medications with dose and frequency information, your insurance information/cards, and personal items such as denture adhesive products, contact lens solutions, no-skid slippers, and a robe. We do, however, encourage you to please leave all valuables such as large amounts of money, valuable jewelry, etc. at home. These items won't be needed while you are in the hospital. 

720 W. Central El Dorado KS 67042.  (316) 321-3300